
Built Environment Meets Parliament

The ADA was pleased to support the Built Environment Meets Parliament event held in Canberra on 15 July.  A well attended event hosted by ADA members Australian Institute of Architects and the Planning Institute of Australia with Consult Australia, the Green Building Council Australia and the Property Council of Australia.  The keynote address was delivered by the Hon Tim Fischer AC, who said that, we need holistic planning and design at every level and that, while we may not need a minister for design just yet, we need ministers in government who can bring the concept of design into what they do.  Points that the ADA wholeheartedly endorse. Senator Scott Ludlum (Australian Greens), said that he goes to engineers and designers for solutions.  Professor Barbara Norman (Foundation Chair of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Canberra) emphatically stated that we need a sustainable climate change environment policy now and design professionals need to be a part of this.  The ADA looks forward to this event next year and some shifts in the policy environment  that recognise the value add of design.



  • Built Environment Meets Parliament