
Creative Industries Innovation Centre to Close

After six years in operation the Creative Industries Innovation Centre (CIIC), a partnership between the Department of Industry and the University of Technology Sydney, will close in April 2015.

The creative industries are made up of small businesses and micro-enterprises, often start-ups, that could previously receive advice from CIIC.  The closure now means that there is no source of business advice specifically designed for these businesses.  What next?  This is the question we will be asking the federal government.

Since 2009, the Creative Industries Innovation Centre has supported the business development of 1500 Australian creative industry businesses. They have delivered 630 in-depth business reviews with established companies, 1179 hours of free, expert business advice for start-ups, eight national training programs, and published industry intelligence on the creative industries. Read more about their achievements here.

Small to medium sized creative business who have operated for three years or longer; whose turnover is over $1.5 million; who have an ACN; and who operate, or could operate, in one or more of the following five growth sectors, are likely to be eligible for business support services.

The five growth sectors are: Advanced Manufacturing; Food and Agribusiness; Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals; Mining Equipment, Technology and Services; Oil, Gas and Energy Resources.

Creative industry businesses are now likely to be eligible under the growth sector ‘Advanced Manufacturing’, or as ‘Enabling Technology or Service Providers’ within Professional Services and ICT. Find out more about eligibility requirements at: www.creativeinnovation.net.au/business/ciic-services/business-evaluation/

However, a number of creative businesses that could previously access Creative Industries Innovation Centre services may not be eligible for services through the Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme. More information at: www.creativeinnovation.net.au/about/about-us/changes-in-eligibility/

  • Creative Industries Innovation Centre to Close