
Building Designers Australia – biggest restructure in 53 year history

Theresa Hatton, President of Building Designers Australia (BDA), today announced the biggest restructure in its fifty-three year history. BDA has always been the peak industry body representing building designers across Australia, with its previous structure tied to state boundaries.

Speaking from her business office in Launceston, Tasmania, Ms. Hatton advised that BDA has now transformed into a truly national, member-based association, without the constraints and limitations that come with federated state-based structures. This has eliminated serious duplication of costs and overheads and will enable a streamlined structure with lower operating costs without sacrificing democratic representation of members’ interests or service to the sustainability and quality of the built environment. “BDA is now open for business”, Ms. Hatton said, “we already have members from all parts of Australia and we are ready to accept new members from any state or territory. All members will have equal standing in the democratic process, and direct access to the National Council which is essential for the effective running of such an organisation.”

“Membership connections will be maintained through a network of Local Chapters centred on geographic and community regional centres, unconstrained by the arbitrary nature of state boundaries. Local Chapters will link up nationally through one coordinated desk where Federal business will be addressed and ensure that State regulatory issues are handled by a State Government Liaison Officer, based in an appropriate Chapter, with direct input from the National Council and the Local Chapters.” “The increasing focus on national consistency in building codes, tertiary curriculums, trade and professional practices, consumer protection, industry partnerships and other issues that state based structures fail to recognise will be addressed by BDA. The leaner efficiency of a truly national organisation will be able to offer better services to existing and new members, and provide a unified point of contact to all levels of government, and corporations, in Australia.” “BDA is already engaged in many positive ways with the Federal Government and with many levels of government and other industry bodies across Australia.” Ms. Hatton confirmed. “We intend to build on these relationships and drive the understanding and importance of Building Designers in the national building community”.

  • Building Designers Australia – biggest restructure in 53 year history